Beau and Newton Eyeing the Waitress
Newton to Newton
I awoke and changed my laundry to the dryer even though I didn’t really need to since all of my clothing is hiker stuff that’s practically dry right out of the washer. I lay back down and eventually roused myself to the sound of Paul making espresso in one of those aluminum steamer things that go on the stove. He offered me some and he took some up to Newton who was feeling the effects of the Fin Du Mondes from the night before. I got out the computer and started to fix some of the pictures and blogs while I had an electrical outlet and the internet. It was one of those lazy Saturdays and it didn’t seem like very long before I looked at the time and it was 2PM. Newton offered to let me stay another night and although I really wanted to get on the trail, it was still raining on and off and it would be nice to chill out another day. We went out and got a Hamburger at the Irish Pub and there some kind of big High School all-star football game going on at Dartmouth between Vermont and New Hampshire. We got back to the house and eventually went to catch some dinner where we ran into Beau and he joined us. Then we went to see the X-Files movie which I though was really no better than a regular episode. I’ve missed a few years of the X-Files so I might have been in the dark about some things. There were no aliens. That was surprising. One guy really looked like an alien when they flashed to him and the girl whacked him with a garden tool. I thought they were going somewhere with that; but, NOPE! We walked the trail back to Ben and Jerry’s and I met a nice Romanian girl with a “Body by Ben and Jerry’s” T-shirt on. If you had told me she had a body by Ben and Jerry’s I wouldn’t have believed you. She had a body by Hefner if you asked me. I’m glad she didn’t ask me if I wanted my cone Hand Dipped. I might have taken her up on that. We got back to the house in more pouring rain while they both pulled out umbrellas. These guys were on the ball! All I had was a parka and I had to try very hard not to get too much rain in my Mint Chocolate Chunk. I again went to sleep to the rolling thunder and rain pounding on a tin roof somewhere nearby. It’s hard for me to stay awake when the rain is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
David AKA “Mister F. Gentle Spirit”
I awoke and changed my laundry to the dryer even though I didn’t really need to since all of my clothing is hiker stuff that’s practically dry right out of the washer. I lay back down and eventually roused myself to the sound of Paul making espresso in one of those aluminum steamer things that go on the stove. He offered me some and he took some up to Newton who was feeling the effects of the Fin Du Mondes from the night before. I got out the computer and started to fix some of the pictures and blogs while I had an electrical outlet and the internet. It was one of those lazy Saturdays and it didn’t seem like very long before I looked at the time and it was 2PM. Newton offered to let me stay another night and although I really wanted to get on the trail, it was still raining on and off and it would be nice to chill out another day. We went out and got a Hamburger at the Irish Pub and there some kind of big High School all-star football game going on at Dartmouth between Vermont and New Hampshire. We got back to the house and eventually went to catch some dinner where we ran into Beau and he joined us. Then we went to see the X-Files movie which I though was really no better than a regular episode. I’ve missed a few years of the X-Files so I might have been in the dark about some things. There were no aliens. That was surprising. One guy really looked like an alien when they flashed to him and the girl whacked him with a garden tool. I thought they were going somewhere with that; but, NOPE! We walked the trail back to Ben and Jerry’s and I met a nice Romanian girl with a “Body by Ben and Jerry’s” T-shirt on. If you had told me she had a body by Ben and Jerry’s I wouldn’t have believed you. She had a body by Hefner if you asked me. I’m glad she didn’t ask me if I wanted my cone Hand Dipped. I might have taken her up on that. We got back to the house in more pouring rain while they both pulled out umbrellas. These guys were on the ball! All I had was a parka and I had to try very hard not to get too much rain in my Mint Chocolate Chunk. I again went to sleep to the rolling thunder and rain pounding on a tin roof somewhere nearby. It’s hard for me to stay awake when the rain is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
David AKA “Mister F. Gentle Spirit”
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