Sleep was rough, last night’s show at Lafayette Hill was great. The band was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. They were great in fact and now I have guys I can call when I get to Philly. Mike and I drove to LBI to meet up with Dad and I crashed. Sleep was rough but at least my lungs aren’t wheezing anymore. WE got up and it was pouring rain. Dad drove us down to the beach and we jumped into the Atlantic Ocean to cleanse ourselves for the journey and officially begin out trip. Dad cooked up breakfast and we are jumping on the road to meet with Stetson’s CEO today and take some more video. We’ll put up some low res stuff on youtube soon. See you guys on the Mother Road…
We made it to New York in one piece although we go lost as soon as we got to Manhattan because the GPS lost signal and didn’t acquire it for a bit after we came out from under the tunnel and we had no idea where we were gong but we couldn’t just stop in the middle of the road and wait for the thing to re-acquire. We found the Stetson office and it was under construction but there was a bunch of really cool stuff in there. My great-grandmother Anna Sikocz worked at the Stetson factory back in the 30’s and they have records of the workers in the factory. I tried on a few shirts and checked out all the old hats and other vintage Stetson stuff. It was really strange to be in the corporate headquarters of Stetson, meeting with the CEO (who was extremely cool by the way) and talking about the history of my favorite hat company!
Pam insisted that we get the heck out of there before the traffic clogged the Lincoln tunnel and we almost made it out of there unscathed but sure enough we got stuck but it wasn’t too bad. We got on the road toward Pittsburgh to rendezvous with my little sister in South Park.
The rain was making it a tedious ride but we did get a chance to stop at a Roy Rogers in the Alexander Hamilton rest stop just outside NYC. I really miss those burgers. There’s just something about the simplicity of a Roy Rogers burger that makes me so happy. I love the rolls too. We arrived at Danielle’s place about 10:30 Mike and I each pulled a three hour shift at the wheel. Danielle and her husband James were there with James’ Mom and we sat down for a great dinner. After finding receptacles for all of the command center recharge, we sat around and BS’d while I checked email and uploaded and tried not to cough on everything. This swine flu just won’t go away!
David AKA “Mister F. Gentle Spirit”
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