Breakfast at The Eat'n Park
Sleep on the couch was better than expected. Mike was on the floor below me and I asked him to put his feet down where my head was so I wouldn’t be breathing on him al night. Danielle and James were already gone when we got up but we got ready cause I was going to take them to breakfast when they came back from their errands. We ate at an interesting place called Eat’n Park. It was like a local version of I-HOP or something. I had an egg sandwich with a fruit cup. I was in a CVS bathroom about 30 minutes later. I think I’m just starting to get over this flu; just in time for Route 66.
Lisa Parker is a Teacher and edits my serious writing when I come up with something I’d really like to have published. She edited “Mexican Teeth” and I credit her for its publishing. I met her online years ago and I’ve never seen her in person; but it looked like it was only about a few hours out of our way to swing by and see her so I sent her a message and she offered her guest room for the night. I was really excited to meet her husband and kids. Her daughter Katherine sent me a nice bear who is standing watch over my office while I’m away.

Gettin loaded at Dr. Bob's
While we were driving I saw signs for Akron and I remembered that AA was born there in a small house owned by Dr. Bob Smith and I heard that you can go and visit it; so another DAVE DIVERSION occurred. So far, no MIKE DIVERSIONS have occurred but I’m waiting for one. We found Dr. Bob’s house and although it was closed, the back door was ajar and I snuck in. I wanted to get few pictures of me sitting at the table where the first AAs got sober, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes in the 1930s. There was a guy in the gift shop downstairs and he was gracious enough to let me buy a mug that said “I drank at Dr. Bob’s” I loved it. We then found out that the Mayflower Hotel was now the Mayflower Manor low income housing; but, if you said the password they’d let you in. We went down there and stood in the lobby where Bill W. made the fateful decision to make a phone call rather than join the revelry at the noisy, adjacent bar. We also got to see the actual typriter which churned out the original text of “Alcoholics Anonymous” in 1935. I touched the “D” key. It felt nice.
A few rumble strips later, we hit route 80/90 through Ohio to Michigan. We stopped at a nice rest stop before Toledo and I marveled at the amount of pure government waste in such a beautiful rest stop. Somebody made a lot of money from the government contracts to procure these modern marvels of empty buildings and spacious lawns. I hate wasteful government spending!
I talked to Stacy Adams and they agreed to let me come by tomorrow and tour the facility with Mike. We’re going to meet up with an old Marine buddy of mine; Steve Hilgar aka “Porky.” He’s not fat but he can put away some serious amounts of food and he’s a hell of a dart player. So am I but he doesn’t know that yet hehehe…
We got to Lisa and Scott Parker’s residence around 21:45 and the kids were still up. We goofed and played some guitar and Katherine pulled out the flute and there were cats and fiddles and hey diddle diddles and a Jack Russell named Sofie that had more energy than an Iranian Centrifuge. Finally everyone was worn out and we crashed in the guest room with the cats all trying to get in to hang out with the curious new residents. I had to rebuild my cell phone OS last night and I couldn’t get the bastard to sync with my computer so all these messages were coming in from just numbers and I didn’t know who anyone was. I finally removed the windows firewall from my laptop and that seemed to do the trick. Mike was already asleep as I settled down to let my computer load my phone with all the pertinents. I dreamed that I was in San Diego and we had somehow not taken the trip. I knew I was sleeping but I couldn’t convince myself that it was true. I was even pinching myself in the dream; but, I woke up in the morning right where I left off, with a cat crawling over my legs and crusty eyelids.
David AKA “Mister F. Gentle Spirit”
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