Important directions at Gooch Gap Shelter
Stover Creek to Gooch Gap Shelter 12 Miles
We made it through the first night even though my rain fly kept flapping with a particular similarity to the sound of a bear traipsing through the leaves on his way to enjoy a sumptuous Backpacker Hammock Crepe. I don't know if I actually slept much since I'm not wearing a timepiece of any sort and the wind was howling around and swingin' me all over the place. Actually the swinging was very nice if I wasn't all worried about Bears coming and sniffing me for a 2 AM snack; and let's just say I was quite aromatic after a full day of climbing mountains.
We saddled up and headed on out, hoping to crank out twenty miles on our first full day of backpacking. Needless to say we didn't make it. We managed to do about 16 miles according to my GPS ( http://wbafinc.motionbased.com ) and about 12 miles according to the map. There's something fishy going on around here! When we got to Justus creek we cooked a little and we were DONE. Note to self: Stop Eating Lunch! We barely made it back up the mountain to Gooch Gap Shelter where we collapsed. Earlier that day we had passed a female hiker with her dog "Wolfie." She told us her trail name and we didn't like it much because it was self-given and pretty negative. We decided that the next time we saw her we'd call her "Dances." A little while later, Dances and Wolfie showed up and we knighted her with her new name, she loved it and shortly thereafter another girl walked up who had recently graduated from Medical School so, you guessed it, "Doc" set up her homemade hammock in the shelter and unloaded her homemade backpack and got into her homemade sleeping back (we would later discover she had a lot of ingenuity and tenacity when it came to creating gear) We'll have to hire her on at BrotherPROOF when we get it rolling. During the hiking we came up with each other's Trail names:
Mine is "Two-Tone" because I'm singing all the time and I wear Two-Tones
Doug is "Cyclone" because it always rains wherever he goes and when we got in to Amicalola there was a tornado watch
Mike is "Rolex" because he's always trying to keep us on schedule (mostly unsuccessfully)
We ate and had a little show tonight and slept the hiking pains away. My pack is heavy... I hope we can speed it up tomorrow, oh yeah and we ran out of food tonight :(
AKA Two Tone
David's Website:
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