The intersection that determines Suches
Hey guys, we just pulled in to the Suches General store, well, walked in really. We've done about 30 miles so far and we ran out of food last night so we had to hike another extra couple of miles into this town called Suches (pronounced such – as) Georgia. It’s actually more an intersection than a town; but, it has its own post office so I guess it’s legit.
Hopefully we can hitch a ride back to the trail head so we don't have to walk the 2 miles back. I washed up a little in the bathroom. I rinsed out my underwear in the sink and hung it out on the back of my pack to dry. I’m already chafing and there won’t be any breaks to heal.
Please forgive any typos; there's this rubber, flexible keyboard and some of the keys don’t work all that well. I'm just going to type now and edit it when I can. It has been a grueling hike so far. I am having trouble editing the website so to see our GPS logs you have to go to http://wbafinc.motionbased.com (I think that will work) there is a link on the website. You can click on the Google Earth file and get a better idea
We got to the road after hiking a few miles this morning and decided to hitch/walk down the road for two miles to get to Suches. Our first Hitchhiking attempt was a miserable failure. No one picked us up and we had to walk the entire way to the Suches General Store (like a 7/11 but with more stuff) where they had some barbecue sandwiches cooking up in a pot on the counter. They were delicious!
After that, we walked next door to the Post Office to send home a bunch of gear, 11.3 pounds of gear, to be exact. We've met up with some very interesting people so far. My body hurts! Everything hurts; my earlobes are frustrated and my nose is tired. I have been fully exhausted. I "bonked" on a hill after Horse's Gap yesterday and I nearly had to be carried to water. “Bonking” is when you don’t eat enough while you are hiking so that your blood sugar drops way low and you literally feel like you are going to die.
It looks like this schedule is going to be rough to maintain and I'm wondering if we'll even make it. We're running thin on resources already; but, I think things will work out unless we run into any serious emergencies. I never noticed how expensive it is to eat on the road! I'm going to sign off and we’re going to try to get back up the street a ways. I'm sending another video tape back today. We're all excited ‘cause we got some more spaghetti! Woooo Hooo!
David, AKA "Two Tone"
David's Website:
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