Budget Inn Bus
MMM, Ron Haven, JB, Rolex, Cyclone, Cubit, Lyle
We woke up in another hotel. The weather really took us out yesterday. The push to get to Franklin last night took its toll on my body. I think have shin splints and some lung congestion that is a little unsettling. We're bone tired and beat but feelin' good. We did a hundred miles this week and we're moving twice as fast as we did in the beginning so we hope to be up to our schedule in a few weeks. We stopped in Franklin to resupply and it looks like it's going to take us all day. I wanted to be moving on today but I woke up with my lungs gurgling like a faulty snorkel and it kind of freaked me out; so when Doug said, "maybe we should take a zero day?" I pretended to reluctantly agree from under my Budget Inn Bedding, while rubbing my splinted shins and hacking a few raindrops from my saturated lungs.
Dave drove us all around Franklin to take care of some business; including, mailing my hotel key back to the Hiawassee Inn. Of course it turned out to be a beautiful day full of sunshine and commerce as I upgraded my rain prophylactics and got a new bowl and some Gold Bond for the Chapped Ass Syndrome. An interesting side note: Gold Bond medicated powder is a little scary at first when applied to open wounds but the mentholated goodness never gets past a 6 on the pain scale before the benefits kick in :) it also doubles as deodorant if you don’t want to carry a stick of the Old Spice.
We got some dinner at a peanuts-on-the-floor steakhouse and we answered Jeopardy questions on a silent TV while some 19 y/o girl got the Happy Birthday song from the whole crew. I was only staring at her because she was right under the TV, honest, no really, honest...
As we got back to the budget in it was like another reunion; Doc was on the computer, Lil Cubit, Mad Mountain Mike, Just Lyle, and even the secretive guys came walking by. The only one missing was Dances and Wolfie. Maybe the hotel didn't like dogs. Anyway, we met the charismatic owner of the Budget Inn, Ron Haven, toured the town, and watched a lot of really stupid television about crocodiles, hippos, M*A*S*H, Dancing with The Stars (kristy yamaguchi is my pick, although that dance partner of the tall bald guy is unbelievable), Family guy and Adult swim. I can't wait to get back into the woods... TV sucks these days. I managed to get my hands on some Genuine Moonshine so my brothers could try it out. I have never had American Moonshine but I dipped my finger in and dabbed my tongue. I recognized it instantly as the same stuff I’ve had from on of my Serbian Buddies. It tastes like kerosene and knocks you out quicker than Vicodin. Ahhh Memories…
David AKA "Jukebox"
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