Going through Damascus Gate
Iron Mountain shelter to Damascus Hiker Inn 25 miles
It rained last night. I didn’t sleep steadily and I was up all morning. Normally I sleep until the birds start waking me up but I was uncomfortable all night. We made the decision to skip ahead to New Jersey yesterday and we weren’t sure how we were going to get up there but this morning Doug got a text from our old pal “Blue Blaze” who said he’d meet us anywhere, anytime; so, we told him tomorrow, 9AM and that meant we had to do a 25 miler to get in to Damascus today. We looked at the map and the terrain didn’t look too tough. We shouldn’t have too much trouble getting in. Along the way, we met two girls named “Truckstop” and “Ashwaghanda” (chosen because it’s some weird tea or plant or something that helps her fall asleep). We paused at the last shelter before Damascus and BS’ed with the girls and some Boys Scouts training for Philmont next year. We ate a bunch of our remaining food to lighten our packs more than from hunger since we weren’t going to have to stay that extra day in the woods.
We hoofed it in to town and got in around 5:45 PM. We FLEW! It was like a 3.5 MPH pace over the whole day. We were very proud of ourselves. When we crossed the Virginia Border, we ran into the two girls again and we took some pictures. There was a little archway in Damascus where they hold the “Trail Days” festival and we walked along the trail, following the blazes through town.
In town we looked at a few of the hostels and settled on the Hiker Inn. After showers, changes and shaves, we headed out to Dot’s for a burger or two and all she had playing on the TV was the “Stars In Black” movie channel. I thought that was a little weird. I was surprised it wasn’t NASCAR, that’s for sure. We had our customary in-town stipend of greasy food and stopped over at this place where they were sitting outside playing guitars and singin’ tunes.
We joined in a little and I brought out my harmonica and backpacker guitar. Finally, we came back and decided against Monopoly. I blogged and Cyclone decided to go out to the store. He couldn’t sleep because we had the lights on and were talking and stuff. It’s so strange how attitude plays such a big part in your fatigue level. Here we just pulled a 25 mile day and we couldn’t go to sleep with the anticipation of traveling back to Philly tomorrow. I have this crazy looking burn or something on my leg and I’m trying not to pick at it. I can’t figure out whether I got it from a bug or a plant but it’s this narrow bubble about two inches long and it’s all yellow and juicy underneath. I’m waiting ‘til I get back home so I can ask my stepmother what it is, she’s an RN and so I’m sure she’ll know what to do with it. I’ll get some sleep soon and “Blue Blaze” will be here in the morning. We’ve decided to give him the trail name “Blue Blaze” because blue blazed trails are side-trails; usually to water or a shortcut to town or something. Since he’s always taking us somewhere or helping us get to and from the trail, we’re naming him after the Blue Blazes of the Appalachian Trail. He’ll be here at 9 AM. We’ll go to breakfast, the post office and drive the 8 hours home to Philly where we will prepare to go back on the trail with our Father, restarting in New Jersey at the Delaware Water Gap, a place where we’ve all hiked together many times before. It seems like we’ve come soooo Far and yet, we still have sooooo far left to go.
David AKA "Mister F. Gentle Spirit"
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