Barbarossa Gongs at the All You Can Eat Chinese place
Monday, June 9, 2008
Uncle Johnny's Hostel 4
We got up and my feet are even more swollen. I can't figure it out. We went out to get Cyclone's tooth fixed at the dentist and I was definitely glad for another day's reprieve. I have to keep elevating my feet. I can't figure out why they are still swelling. I guess I'll just pack them in my boots tomorrow and start walking, we don’t have time to keep sitting at Uncle Johnny’s; not to mention, it’s costing us a ton of money to keep staying here. We keep going out to the buffets and Pizza Hut to eat. It costs a hell of a lot more to eat at places like that than it does to eat our trail provisions. It only costs us about $80 for four days of food for the three of us. We’ll have to stay on the trail just to stretch our budget out enough for us to survive financially! I hate being so budget-conscious but we really didn’t factor in the amount of money it was going to cost us to be out here. The websites say you can do it for about a dollar a mile but they must be talking about the people who never go off trail. It’s more like 2 or 3 dollars a mile. I thought we’d be getting more donations and that my company would be booking more gigs while I was away; but, Midnight Productions hasn’t been getting any future bookings and the donations have been slow. Staying at hostels and eating in cafes has been disastrous on our budget.
Around noon, we watched a wicked storm come up out of nowhere. We were riding the bikes when the wind came up and the sky got crazy dark. Lightning was blowin' up everywhere; it was sweet! We holed up in the Huddle House until the storm blew through and then all these cop cars started flyin' past. Later we learned that a church’s steeple got struck by lightning and there was a big accident on the interstate at the same time. Hell, I'll bet the newspaper will be twice as thick as normal tomorrow! Rolex rolled home on the bike while Cyclone and I went o go see the Kung-Fu Panda movie.
We got back to the hostel and read I “Catch 22”, elevated my feet, took vitamins and passed out. I think we're finally leaving Uncle Johnny's tomorrow. This “Catch 22” book is probably not the right book to be reading on the trail. You really have to concentrate on what’s going on because things don’t happen in chronological order. I like the book tremendously; but, it sure isn’t a casual read. I can identify with a lot of what is going on because of my time in the Marines. There is a lot of truth to the way it is written even though some of it is completely ridiculous. I’m sure it’s going to affect my dreams in ways I can’t even begin to imagine… I hope it helps with the swelling.
David AKA "Jukebox"
David's Website:
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